The holidays can be a busy season. There are things to decorate, places to gather, and people to see. You probably wouldn’t normally think of adding moving to the task list. Still, there are advantages to moving during a holiday. Here are a few tips for a more efficient holiday move.
Get Ahead on Packing
As your moving day gets closer, you don’t want to split your time between packing and celebrating. Instead, start packing soon if you plan to self-pack. There are a few benefits to getting the task completed early. You’ll know how much you’re moving, and you’ll save time later.
Donate What You Don’t Want
Another benefit of packing early is you get to see everything you have that you don’t want to take. The more items you take, the pricier the move gets. The holidays are a perfect time to donate. What you no longer use might be the key to someone else’s celebration.
Label Décor Clearly
Suppose you’re moving during a specific holiday. In that case, there’s a good chance you’re not going to decorate your old residence for it. When you get to your new home, you’ll want to jump right into the occasion. Label your festive décor clearly, so it's easier to find at the new house.
Get an Early Estimate
After you’ve packed and donated, you’ll have a better idea of the scope of your move. Once you do, call professional residential movers and get a quote. That way, you’ll have a fully budgeted move, and you can plan how to spend on other holiday-related activities.
Hold Off on Big Purchases
Sales seem to revolve around major holidays. Large items like televisions, grills, or workout equipment are often discounted considerably. However, remember that those items will only increase weight, space, and the cost of a move. Waiting until after your move might be a better idea.
Let Someone Else Host
If you host the family gathering year after year, it might be a good time to let someone else take a turn. Instead of gathering around boxes, pass the torch to someone else this year.
Schedule Your Move Ahead of Time
Don’t wait until the last minute to hire a long-distance mover. Many people take time off to celebrate, so your moving company might not have staff if you wait until the last minute to schedule.
If you want a completely stress-free move, consider hiring an experienced long-distance moving company. American Fargo Moving and Storage has provided reliable household relocations for more than seven decades. Give us a call for a free quote.
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